COPD Study

A research study is currently being conducted in your area to INVESTIGATE an EXPERIMENTAL anti-COPD medication to evaluate its effect in reducing worsening of your COPD. Compensation up to $3,500 for time and travel.

Do you have Moderate to Severe Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD?

Have you been  taking other Anti-COPD medication for at least 3 months?

A research study is currently being conducted in your area to INVESTIGATE an EXPERIMENTAL anti-COPD medication to evaluate its effect in reducing worsening of your COPD. If you are between the ages of 40 to 85 years of age, have been diagnosed with moderate to severe COPD, and HAVE BEEN TAKING other anti-COPD medicine FOR AT LEAST 3 MONTHS, you may qualify to participate in this study. If eligible, you will receive study-related medical exams and investigational medication at no cost. You may also be compensated for time and travel. For more information or to see if you may qualify, call 305-825-6588

Hialeah, FL
Call us:
Compensation up to:
$3,500 for time and travel.
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