Make a difference in the fight against flu

mRNA vaccines are changing the way we fight seasonal illnesses. Learn more about Pfizer’s research to help improve flu vaccines using mRNA technology.

mRNA vaccines are changing the way we fight seasonal illnesses. Learn more about Pfizer’s research to help improve flu vaccines using mRNA technology.

Participation matters

It is important to have vaccines that work for everyone, regardless of their background. Where and how you live can affect your health, your risk for certain illnesses, and your response to a vaccine. Some biological and environmental factors, as well as your age and overall health, can also play a role in how your body’s immune system may react or defend itself.

When clinical trial participation reflects the diversity of our society and local communities, we can learn more about potential vaccines and how they work for different people. Everyone needs to be represented.

Who can take part in the study?

This study may be an option if you:

  • Are at least 65 years old
  • Are generally healthy with no major changes in your recent medical history
  • Have not tested positive for flu in the last six months
  • Received a flu vaccine for the 2023-2024 northern hemisphere flu season at least six months ago

There will be other study requirements that the study team will discuss with you. 

Your time in the study

If this study is a good fit for you and you agree to participate, you will be randomly assigned (like pulling a number out of a hat) to receive a single dose of either one of the investigational flu vaccines or a licensed flu vaccine.

The study team will explain more about which vaccination you may be assigned to receive. After you receive your study vaccine, the study team will perform some tests and monitor your health periodically.

How long will participants be in this research study?

About six months

How many study visits are required?

At least four visits

About the study vaccines

The vaccines being studied are investigational mRNA-based vaccines designed to improve the immune response against two or three strains of influenza A and one strain of influenza B.

The study vaccines will be compared against two licensed flu vaccines for the most recent (2023-2024) flu season.

Study-related costs are covered

The study vaccine and study-related procedures will be provided at no cost. You will also be compensated for completing study-related activities.

Your safety is the top priority

Safety is always the top priority of any research study. Before you join the study, you will be given all the details about participation, including potential benefits and risks. Your health will be carefully monitored throughout the study by the study team.

Volunteering is your choice

Choosing to volunteer for a clinical trial is very personal, and many factors may weigh in your decision-making. To decide if this research study is a good fit, it’s important to understand the process and what is required. If you would like to participate, you will provide your consent (permission) before joining the study. You are also free to stop being in the study at any time, for any reason.

Understanding flu

• Influenza or “flu” is a major cause of seasonal illness and death worldwide. More than 200,000 people in the United States are hospitalized with flu every year.1
• Influenza A and influenza B are the two main types of flu viruses that make people sick.
• There are many different strains of influenza A and B, and new strains are always evolving.
• Adults 65 and older are at increased risk of severe illness and complications from flu.
• Getting vaccinated against flu is an important way to protect yourself and others from serious illness.

About the study

Because flu viruses can mutate so quickly, vaccines are updated each year to target the strains that are circulating. mRNA technology could make it easier and faster to produce
vaccines that are better matched to the most common flu strains each season.

This study will help us determine if investigational mRNA-based flu vaccines are safe and can help the body produce antibodies which may protect against flu.

Tomorrow’s breakthroughs start today with you.

Your participation in this study will help advance the development of future vaccines that may offer stronger protection against flu. Thank you for considering this study!

Ready to learn more?
Contact the study team: 786-772-0510

1. Hall E. Influenza. Chapter 12. In: CDC. Hall E, Wodi AP, Hamborsky J, et al, eds. Epidemiology and prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases. 14th ed. Washington, DC: Public Health Foundation; 2021:179-92.

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