Pneumococcal Vaccine

This clinical study will allow researchers to learn about an investigational study vaccine to see if it may help protect against pneumococcal disease in adults at increased risk of pneumococcal infection due to stable chronic conditions.

See if you may qualify for a clinical study testing an investigational pneumococcal vaccine

Why is this clinical study being done?

This clinical study will allow researchers to learn about an investigational study vaccine to see if it may help protect against pneumococcal disease in adults at increased risk of pneumococcal infection due to stable chronic conditions. Pneumococcal disease is an illness caused by a certain germ (bacterium), called Streptococcus pneumoniae. This germ can cause serious infections in the ears, nose, lungs, blood, or brain.¹

You may be able to take part in this study if you are 18 to 64 years of age and:

  • Have a confirmed diagnosis of a chronic health condition, such as diabetes or heart, kidney, liver, or lung disease, with stable medical management
  • Have not previously received a pneumococcal vaccine or haven’t had one since childhood
  • Have not had a positive test (culture) for pneumococcal disease within the last 3 years
  • There are other rules for taking part that the study staff will discuss with you.

What will happen if I join the study?

If you qualify and agree to take part, you will be in the study for 6 months. Taking part in this study is voluntary, and you may stop for
any reason at any time.

You will have:

  • Up to 5 visits to the study site
  • 3 telephone calls

During the study, you will:

  • Get a sequence of doses of an investigational pneumococcal vaccine followed by a placebo (which looks just like the investigational vaccine but contains no active ingredients) or a sequence of PCV15 (pneumococcal 15-valent conjugate vaccine) followed by PPSV23 (pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine,23-valent). PCV15 and PPSV23 are approved pneumococcal vaccines in some countries but may not be approved in your country.
  •  Have blood drawn during the study site visits
  •  Keep an electronic diary of your temperature and any side effects

Why take part in this clinical study?

The results of this clinical study may help researchers learn about the safety of this investigational pneumococcal vaccine, and how well the vaccine may help protect against pneumococcal disease. If the study vaccine works, you may receive a health benefit (this means the vaccine may help prevent serious illness from pneumococcal disease). If the study vaccine does not work, you may not receive a health benefit. By taking part, you will help doctors and researchers learn more about this investigational vaccine. Visit the
link below to learn more about this clinical study, including possible risks and benefits of taking part.
You may receive reimbursement for study-related travel and expenses.

Contact us for more details: 786-772-0510

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