Alzheimer’s Clinical Trail

Do you or someone you love have symptoms of early Alzheimer’s disease? If you or someone you love is increasingly becoming forgetful, experience difficulties in planning and problems solving, or gets lost in familiar places, these could be signs of early Alzheimer’s disease.

Do you or someone you love have symptoms of early Alzheimer’s disease?

If you or someone you love is increasingly becoming forgetful, experience difficulties in planning and problems solving, or gets lost in familiar places, these could be signs of early Alzheimer’s disease.

Contact us today to find out more about the evoke/evoke+
clinical studies.

Consider participating in the study, if:

  • You (may) have early Alzheimer’s disease.
  • You are between 55 and 85 years old.
  • You have a study partner (a next of kin or someone you have a close relationship to), who is willing to take part in the study and share information about you

The study doctor will explain any potential risks to you and describe the study procedures before you decide whether to join the study.

If eligible, you will be one of over 3500 participants globally on this 3-year journey and will receive comprehensive health care, which includes regular clinic visits, health checks and medical testing. You will get access to expert guidance and facilities during the study.

Hialeah, FL
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