Learn about the TargetTau-1 clinical study.

Are you or someone you know experiencing early symptoms of memory loss (mild cognitive impairment) or Alzheimer’s disease?

While there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), scientists have made huge progress in understanding AD and finding new routes for treatment, which can be achieved through clinical trials.

We are recruiting participants for the TargetTau-1 study. This clinical research study is testing a new, investigational medicine for mild cognitive impairment or mild early AD.

You may qualify for this study if you:

  • Are 50-80 years old
  • Have a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease, or have mild Alzheimer’s dementia
  • Have a study partner with whom you spend at least 8 hours per week (such as a spouse, friend, or an adult child) who can attend some study visits with you during the study and provide follow-up information.

The study doctor will also check other eligibility requirements.

Participation in the study lasts about 2 years and requires regular visits to the research clinic to receive study drug and monitor your health and AD status. If you decide to take part in the study, all study-related drugs and procedures will be provided to you at no cost. Participation is voluntary and you would be able to leave the study at any point. To learn more and see if you are eligible, please contact: 786-772-0510

To learn more about this Alzheimer’s disease clinical study, visit: bmsclinicaltrials.com/TargetTau1

Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common type of bacteria (germ) that can cause a wide variety of diseases, ranging from mild sinus and ear infections to more serious infections of the lungs, lining of the brain, or blood that require hospitalization and can be life-threatening. While anyone can get pneumococcal disease, adults over 50 have a higher risk of experiencing severe illness and are 8 times more likely to be hospitalized with pneumococcal pneumonia than younger adults.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), getting vaccinated is the best way to help protect against pneumococcal disease. The CDC recommends that adults 65 years of age and older receive a pneumococcal vaccine as part of their routine vaccinations.

The vaccines available today protect against many strains of pneumococcal bacteria, but not all of them. That’s why we thought you may be interested in learning about Pfizer’s pneumococcal vaccine clinical trial designed to broaden protection against more bacterial strains.

We’re currently enrolling people who are:

  • 50 to 64 years of age and have not previously received a pneumococcal vaccine.
  • 65 years of age or older and have either not received a pneumococcal vaccine or have received the PNEUMOVAX® 23 vaccine more than 5 years ago.

Taking part in this clinical trial could potentially improve vaccine protection not only for you, but also others in the future.

Interested in joining this study? Here’s what you can expect if you take part:

  • The study will last about one year, and you will attend at least 4 study visits.
  • You will be randomly assigned to receive one dose of either the study vaccine or a licensed pneumococcal vaccine made by Pfizer (Prevnar 20®). You have an equal chance of being assigned to either vaccine group. There is no placebo (a shot with no active ingredient) in this study.
  • Your safety is always our top priority. Our medical team will closely monitor your health while you are in the study. You can also leave this clinical trial at any time and for any reason.
  • There is no cost to participate, and health insurance is not required. You will also be paid for completing study-related activities.

Please contact our team for more information. We’ll review the study’s requirements with you to help you decide if this clinical trial is a good fit for you.


This clinical trial’s purpose is to test a new study drug, called AZD0780. The study drug is a small molecule PCSK9 inhibitor that aims to lower the levels of “bad cholesterol” in the blood.

Volunteers who join the trial will take AZD0780(study drug) orally, every day for 12 weeks, which is about three months. Your participation in the study will help to determine the
effectiveness, safety, and tolerability of AZD0780(study drug) and how it affects LDL-C (bad cholesterol) levels and levels of other types of fat in your blood.

You may qualify if you:

  • Are male or female of non-childbearing potential within an age range from 18 to 75 years.
  • Fasting LDL-C levels (bad cholesterol): Between 70mg/dL (1.8 mmol/L) and < 190 mg/dL (4.9 mmol/L).
  • Fasting triglycerides: < 400 mg/dL (< 4.52 mmol/L).
  • Are receiving moderate or high-intensity statin therapy as per ACC/AHA (at least 2 months prior to screening).
  • Body mass index (BMI): ≥ 19.0 kg/m2.
  • Are capable of providing signed informed consent and comply with study requirements.

Contact us for more information: 786-772-0510

Active-controlled study to assess the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of investigational drug Baxdrostat in combination with Dapagliflozin compared with Dapagliflozin alone on chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression in participants with CKD and high blood pressure.

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