This study is intended to assess the effectiveness of AXS-05 compared to bupropion in preventing relapse of depressive symptoms in people who have responded to treatment with AXS-05. AXS-05 is not approved for the prevention of relapse and its use in this study is investigational

Learn about a local study testing a potential new treatment

Indago Research in Hialeah is conducting a clinical study to evaluate a potential new treatment for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for those experiencing flare-ups.

Participants are needed to help learn more about a potential new treatment option.

Do You Qualify?

We’re seeking the following people to participate in this study:

  • Aged 40 years or older
  • Have COPD with occasional flare-ups requiring treatment
  • Currently prescribed daily inhaled maintenance therapy, with a stable dose for at least 3 months for COPD
  • Be a current or former smoker who quit 6 or more months before entering the study
  • Have had at least one COPD exacerbation in the past 12 months

There’s no cost to participate in this study, no placebo, and you do not need health insurance. Reimbursement for reasonable expenses such as travel may also be available for qualified participants.

Learn More

To find out if you or a loved one are eligible for this study, please contact us at 786-772-0510.

ACHIEVE-4 is a clinical research study for people with type 2 diabetes and excess weight who are at risk for heart disease or stroke. The study will test how safe and well the investigational medicine (the medicine being studied) works for blood glucose and weight management compared with insulin therapy.

Can I join this study?

Yes, you may be able to join the research study if you:

  • Are aged 18 years or over
  • Have type 2 diabetes
  • Take at least 1 medicine to manage your diabetes
  • Have a BMI* of 25 or higher
  • Have or are at risk for heart disease, stroke, or other blood vessel diseases, or have kidney disease

*BMI stands for body mass index. If you do not know your BMI, please contact a healthcare professional.



Getting to the heart of cardiovascular disease

The VICTORION-2 PREVENT Study is testing an investigational drug to see whether it could help reduce the risk of future cardiovascular events, such as strokes and heart attacks, in people with cardiovascular disease (CVD).

If you are interested in taking part in the VICTORION-2 PREVENT Study, we’re searching for people who:

· Are 40 years of age and older

· Have previously experienced a heart attack, stroke or reduced blood flow to limbs caused by narrowed arteries (peripheral arterial disease)

· Are currently receiving a high-intensity statin (medication that lowers the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood)

There are other criteria that you will need to meet to qualify for participation in this study, which the study team can discuss with you.

For further information about the VICTORION-2 PREVENT Study, visit or contact:


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